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Harborfields High School

Each Child. Each Day. One Harborfields Family.

CTE Endorsement Pathway

Harborfields School District CTE Endorsement Pathway

The logo for Harborfields Central School District, featuring a seal with a tree and a ship, the words 'Harborfields Central School District', and the seal of the State of New York.


What is an NYSED-Approved Pathway?
A New York State-Approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway is a diploma endorsement that indicates that students have completed specific courses within their area of career interest.

What Pathways are available at Harborfields?
Business & Entrepreneurship Pathway
Education & Child Development Pathway
Multimedia Production Academy

Can I Complete More Than One Pathway?
Yes! Students can complete different pathways that pertain to their interests

Why Should I Consider Pursuing The Pathway?
Demonstrate to colleges that students acquired career readiness skills that are recognized in college, career, and industry
Can be used as a 4 +1 Graduation pathway to satisfy graduation requirements or as an additional graduation credential Earn industry certifications, credentials, and college credits for advanced standing in college and/or the workforce
Concentrate on specific interests and engage in hands-on learning and activities
Earn a diploma endorsement seal and an honor cord at graduation.

What Do I Need To Do?

  • Complete all requirements for a New York State local or Regents diploma with at least 3.5 credits of CTE coursework.
  • Business & Entrepreneurship Pathway - Career Awareness, College Marketing, Computer Apps I, Business &
  • Entrepreneurship Project Honors, and ½ -1 additional credit in Business
  • Education & Child Development Pathway - Career Awareness, College Child Development, Introduction to
  • Secondary Education, School, Community, & Family Partnerships, and CEIP-Education Internship
  • Multimedia Production Academy Pathway: Career Awareness, Intro to Production: Video Storytelling 101 or Mass Media 101, and any combination of the following classes: Intro to Production: Video Storytelling Advanced/Pro, Mass Media Advanced/Pro, Broadcast 101/Advanced/Pro (Video Storytelling 101 or Mass Media 101 are prerequisites Broadcast).

How Will I Track My Progress?
Students will meet with their counselors or CTE Pathway Coordinator to select the correct courses and track their
progress within Infinite Campus. Students will complete the final program requirements in the capstone pathway course
(Business & Entrepreneurship Project Honors for the Business & Entrepreneurship Pathway or School, Community, &
Family Partnerships for Education & Child Development Pathway).

How Do I Apply?
Once a student becomes a concentrator (participate in two CTE pathway courses), they will fill out an application to enter the pathway program.

Where do I go with questions?
See Dr. Matthews in Room T-000 or email You may also ask your Business, Education, or Media teacher.

Important Links

  • Coming Soon!